Base Position: | Base lying on the back |
Flyer Position: | Flyer lying on the belly |
Contact Point: | Flyer on feet of base |
Reverse Plank on L-base is a common pose in a lot of washing machines where the flyer is lying with the hips on the L-base looking away from the base.
Hold your legs in a 90° angle or slightly towards your face. This protects flyer from falling away. Flex your feet (this keeps the flyer from falling forward). Your feet are parallel to each other and on upper thighs, flyer’s hipbone one padding of foot. A common mistake is the foot is too high on the flyer’s stomach. Micro bend the knees to get your flyer in position. Once up, very slowly bring your legs into a 90 degree angle.
Keep your front body up, open your chest by pulling your shoulder blades together and keep your legs up (arch a bit, for some flyers it helps to look to the horizon). Do not hold your base’s hands, instead push off their calves if you need support. Tighten up your core. Relax your shoulders.
The most likely crashes are that the flyers fall to the front or side away from base and the flyer stepping on the base’s torso or face .