Two-Man-High to Handstand on Hands (Standing Base)
Level: Advanced
- Take the hands, look to your flyer. Start with the hands at about eye-height (1-5).
- Breathe in, so that the flyer knows that the trick will start now.
- Start the tempo by bending the knees (4) slowly. Keep the arms straight and don't move them.
- From the lowest point start slowly to extend the legs gradually increases the speed (crescendo) (4-5).
- In the moment when the flyers up-movement is the fastest you may extend the arms a little (optional) (5-7).
- Lower the arms slowly with resistance and park them to a stable position.
- Tighten up your core and intend not to walk.
- Your hands should be open and rotate your hands to the inside (this offers a nice platform for the flyer to make a handstand).
- Hold a 45° angle in your wrists.
- Slowly bend your legs together with the tempo of the base (3-4)
- From the lowest point start slowly to extend the legs together with the bases tempo (5).
- Don't jump! Just extent the tempo of the base and open your shoulders immediately.(6-7).
- Bring your legs to a closed tuck position (8-9).
- Come to your handstand position (9).
- Make your handstand position
- Hold a 45° angle in your wrists.
- Open your shoulders to 180°, but don’t arch your back.
- Don't control the balance.
- Stand at the back of the flyer.
- Spot the shoulders of the flyer.
- Push the shoulders of the flyer back if the flyer closes the shoulders too much.
- Bring the flyer safely to the floor by holding the shoulder and reaching/guiding the hips or thighs.